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Ministry Preparation Program

Credit Hours: 30
Prerequisites: High School Diploma or Equivalent


The Ministry Preparation Program (MPP) exists to prepare men and women for ministry in the local Church through a series of courses that earn three semester hours of credit each. All work completed will be placed on an official CCBS transcript.


Each individual accepted into the CCBS Ministry Preparation Program will be enrolled as a CCBS student under the normal application qualifications and procedures. A Certificate of Completion will be given to those who successfully complete all 10 courses.


Students will be required to purchase textbooks for each class. These books will not only serve to enhance the learning for each course but will become a valuable personal library resource for future ministry. Your syllabus will explain what is required in terms of exams, quizzes, class projects, or term papers. Take note of the course requirements presented in each syllabus.

Classes will typically require 10 to 15 hours a week of study for four to six weeks.


Courses You’ll Complete to Earn Your Certificate

  • BOT 111 Old Testament Survey I

  • BOT 122 Old Testament Survey II

  • BNT 100 New Testament Survey

  • BTH 106 Bible Doctrines

  • BPA 240 Preparation for Ministry I

  • BPA 250 Preparation for Ministry II

  • BPA 475 Understanding Prayer

  • BTH 460 Biblical Hermeneutics

  • BPA 442 Preaching 101

  • BPA 360 Ethics and Excellence


Registration Fee: $50.00
Tuition Cost: $1,000.00

Your theological journey starts here.

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